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Eyes are said to be the windows to the soul but they certainly are the windows to the body. Many conditions such as Cataracts, Glaucoma, Diabetic retinopathy, Corneal opacities, and Age-related macular degeneration, etc. can affect our vision in the long term, while others like Conjunctivitis, Keratitis, Chalazion, Styes, ectropion, entropion, etc. can cause only short term discomfort if treated timely and properly. Hence care of the eyes by the best eye specialist in South Delhi is of utmost importance at all times.

Best Eye Doctor in South Delhi

Our Ophthalmology Unit aims to provide comprehensive eye care to patients providing both surgical and non-surgical modalities of treatment with state-of-the-art diagnostic, therapeutic facilities, and the best eye surgeons in Delhi. Technology in our Phaco-emulsification machine and the Intra-ocular lenses (mono-focal, Multi-focal, Toric, etc.) ensure that we provide world-class treatment for cataracts and most of the other ophthalmic diseases.

Even for regular check-ups consulting an eye doctor in South Delhi is crucial. Highly experienced senior ophthalmologists visit the Medical Centre covering four days a week. The expertise of the eye specialist in Delhi combined with the use of pioneering technology goes a long way in ensuring the best outcomes for our patients with a short recovery period.


Who is the best ophthalmologist in India?
There are a lot of ophthalmologists in India but the best of them are associated with Sadhu Vaswani Mission Medical Centre. At Sadhu Vaswani you can meet Best Eye Specialist in South Delhi, they have years of broad experience in the field which we support further with our pioneering technologies. You can find our senior ophthalmologists on Thursdays and Fridays from 11 am to 1 pm. Our senior surgeon for cataract and anterior segment can be found on Thursdays and Saturdays from 2 pm to 3 pm. Lastly, our visiting consultant visits on Wednesdays from 2 pm to 4 pm.
The ophthalmologist department takes care of every problem regarding the eye and at Sadhu Vaswani Mission Medical Centre, the department has some of the leading doctors for different problems. They specialize in different types of eye problems. They have been working in the industry and accumulated multiple years of experience and can help you with your specific issue empathetically.
Meet the Best Eye Specialist in South Delhi at Sadhu Vaswani Mission Medical Centre that has all the pioneering technology and skilled ophthalmologists of the industry to help you with your issue. It is the blend of technology and experience that makes us the leading eye treatment hospital in Delhi. You can find the doctors visiting us regularly on certain days. You can check out their schedules for a hassle-free experience.