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General Practitioner

General Practitioners (GPs)also known as General Physicians in Delhi are the backbone of any healthcare organization as they deal with multi-system diseases and have a broader vision and expertise in diagnosing and treating infective and non-infective diseases in adults as well as prevention there-of. A General Physician in Delhi is generally the one we call Family doctor as people usually consult the same general physician for years for all members of their family for any diseases, ailments, and injuries. They are the ones who are responsible for primary check-ups of all irrespective of their age, gender, or ailment.

General Physician in Delhi

A General Physician in Delhi can be consulted for a variety of diseases. A General Practitioner has a primary knowledge of all diseases and initiates treatment on a case to case basis. They treat many viral acute illnesses like Dengue, Chikungunya, Influenza, Pneumonia, Chicken-pox, Measles, Hepatitis, Malaria, etc. that show seasonal peaks as well as other bacterial and viral diseases like UTI, Typhoid, Tuberculosis, etc. which are independent of seasonal variations. A General Physician is also consulted in cases of lifestyle diseases like Hypertension, Diabetes, Asthma, migraines, etc. Emergencies like Myocardial Infarction, Stroke, Acute Trauma, etc. are successfully treated and transferred to nearby in-patient facilities. In addition to this they are also first responders in cases of injury/trauma/animal bites etc.

General Physician in Delhi consultation is available in Sadhu Vaswani Mission Medical Centre from 9 am to 6 pm on all working days to provide comprehensive care to patients with various acute as well as chronic communicable and non-communicable ailments.

The availability of in-house laboratory and radiology facilities further aids in quick diagnosis and early treatment of patients thus raising their satisfaction level.

Further our services go beyond diagnosis and treatment to generate awareness about healthy lifestyles and the prevention of non-communicable diseases. We at Sadhu Vaswani Mission Medical Centre have a team of general physicians having vast experience in the field of medicine.


What does a general physician treat?
A General Physician provides comprehensive consultation on a multitude of diseases. These diseases could be infective (bacterial / viral/ fungal) diseases, lifestyle disorders or Metabolic disorders. General Physician in Delhi are also consulted in cases of an injury/trauma/ dog bites etc. The first examination of injuries is generally done by a general physician who suggests further treatment and an appropriate doctor for the same. Broad area of expertise that a General Physician in Delhi brings with him/her is what makes them the most sought after doctors.
A General Physician in Delhi is also known as General Practitioners or GPs in common parlance. There are people who consult the same general physician for years for majority of their family members. Such a relationship leads to a mutual understanding of complete case history of all or most members of the family. They are then also referred to as Family Doctors. They are the primary care providers for patients of all ages and are usually the first point of contact for a whole host of medical issues for most people. They are general doctors or may be specialized in Family Medicine and provide non-surgical care

A General Physician in Delhi and a medicine doctor are both medical doctors different from each other to the extent that a GP has a broader overview of all diseases while a medicine doctor has specialization in Internal Medicine and thus more focused on treatment of particular diseases. A GP, when he feels that a patient requires specialized care and treatment, refers such a patient to a physician. Physicians can admit patient in a hospital for care if and when required. There may be several physicians in a hospital all looking after different organs inside the body of patients.

General Physicians provide holistic and comprehensive health care and are instrumental in early detection of health conditions of patients as well as in providing preventive health care