Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers women of all age groups fall prey to. In a developed country like the United States, breast cancer is detected in more than 200,000 women every year, and around 20% of them lose their life due to this deadly disease. The majority of breast cancer cases get matured only when they are not detected timely and there remains no hope for survival. When detected early, breast cancer is 100% treatable. This is the reason women in the age group of 45-55 are advised to go for annual mammograms once a year.
In India, there is no dearth of ladies who are going for mammography tests considering the seriousness of breast cancer. Over the past few years, digital mammography cost in India has drastically come down providing ease of breast cancer detection to women of all groups.
What is a mammogram?
A mammogram is a comprehensive radiological imaging examination in which the breasts of the ladies coming for the test are compressed (one at a time) between two glass plates, and then x-rays are passed through the tissues of the breast. The imaging achieved this way indicates anomalies or the regions that need immediate medical attention. In conventional film mammography, the images taken used to be printed on a large-sized black and white film so that doctors could examine them duly.
However, after the arrival of digital mammography, things have become more advanced and sophisticated. All the images achieved through digital mammography are stored electronically and examined by the concerned doctors on a monitor, rather than having to be printed. As per the latest medically proven facts, digital mammography has proved to be the best tool for breast cancer screening. Some of the other benefits include the following:
Digital mammography is faster and better
When you go for digital mammography for breast cancer screening, you will not have to wait for hours to know about the results. It is because, in this extremely sophisticated method, films are not developed on any black and white paper but can be seen on the monitor. It takes only a few seconds for the processing once the images are taken. The technologists involved will be able to evaluate the images immediately after they are taken, and as a result, the doctor will examine them in no time. Therefore, digital mammography offers quicker and more accurate results saving the precious time of both doctors and patients. What a patient needs to do is that she has to type a set of words – ‘mammography test near me’ and the job will possibly be done in your neighborhood only.
Even the slightest differences between tissues can be tracked effortlessly
With digital mammography in place, the technologists involved can very easily adjust any of the sections of the image in terms of contrast, darkness, brightness, and even magnification. It makes it truly easier for the examiner to track even the minutest differences between the tissues. When imaging extremely dense tissues, it is quite imperative for the technologist to increase contrast so that malignant cells can be identified, seen, and examined without fail.
Digital mammography calls for a lower average radiation dosage
The requirement for less radiation is also one of the most prominent aspects associated with digital mammography. This methodology usually takes more images of the breast while using limited radiation. This can be done to ensure the visibility of even the shortest breast tissues for the examiner.
Better detection of tumors at an earlier stage
As digital mammography involved digital imagery, it can be seen and reviewed by the concerned expert thoroughly resulting in the better and earlier detection of the tumors. Since the images taken are available on the computer screen for viewing, they can be manipulated in any desired way to see any of the problematic areas of the breast. The concerned specialists while analyzing digital imagery can decrease or increase contrast to help decipher abnormal or problematic breast tissues from those that are normal. Some radiologists these days have also started making use of computer-aided detection (CAD) system that is capable of automatically highlighting the areas that seem abnormal in any way. All these positive things together help in detecting tumors better at an earlier stage.
Images can be easily stored and transferred
Going digital for any medical procedure including mammography simply means you can transfer or store all the pieces of crucial information the way you want. Digital images or any other documents decrease the possibility of losing your test reports to misfiling or even losing them in transit. With digital mammography in place, you can transfer your reports or results from one doctor to another especially when you want to seek a second opinion.
Digital mammography plays a vital role in a patient’s survival
Digital mammography has become one of the most effective and efficient tools to detect early detection of breast cancer. It is the most common form of cancer which claims millions of women’s lives every year around the globe. However, the satisfactory news is that this type of cancer can be detected even in the most primary stages and treated well. The immediate detection and diagnosis can show the patients a way about how early their disease can be treated and managed. With each passing day, the cost of digital mammography is coming down, and women of all age groups are making the most of it.
Concluding Remarks
The Sadhu Vaswani Medical Centre came into existence at Shantiniketan in New Delhi on 19th February 1992. The center was founded to serve the entire community, irrespective of caste and creed. As of now, SVMC Delhi has earned the distinction of being one of the most recognized medical facilities in the National Capital Region (Delhi-NCR). The center is backed by an able team of doctors that provides services in various medical domains. Some of them include the following:
- General Medicine
- General Surgery
- Paediatrics
- Gynaecology
- Obstetrics
- Ophthalmology
- Orthopaedics
- Dermatology
- Cardiology
- Endocrinology
- Homeopathy
- Dental
- Preventive Health Check
- Physiotherapy
- Pulmonology.
Get in touch with the center for a consultation right today.