Studying abroad is a dream of millions of students for higher education. The journey from the start is arduous and milestones are planted on every interval. Undertaking a medical test sounds intimidating as it puts an extra task on your list. You can, however, always uplift your energy levels with the sight of the university’s acceptance letter. Crossing this threshold would lead you to your ultimate destination.
Medical testing is one of the cardinal phases of the visa application process. After the spread of life-threatening diseases like Ebola and Tuberculosis, medical examinations are mandated for completing an immigration process. Deadly diseases like swine flu made the imposed immigration-clearing conditions more stringent. Fluctuating health conditions keep altering the visa approval process to maintain the well-being of citizens of a country. Although it is the only way to inhibit the spread of epidemics, the medical examinations for students and other visitors have relaxed the traveling conditions. The top hospital in Delhi NCR can help an aspirant to undertake a medical examination for a student visa.
Authorizing the medical centers for conducting medical tests for clearing the visa process is the way forward to prevent the spread of communicable and non-communicable diseases. Any candidate found infected with a transmissible disease is prohibited from visiting the country. Although the pandemic created disorder for students studying abroad or applying for an overseas program, the conditions have got better post the lockdown period.
Medical test for visa are not meant to reject the application of an applicant. However, they are carried out to ensure that an educational entrant to a country does not pose a threat to the health of the multitudes.
Three Common Medical Tests
Tests are almost common in different countries. For instance, undertaking a tuberculosis examination is compulsory for the visas for students departing for the UK and New Zealand. However, the conditions are subject to vary as per the country you are heading to. Generally, the medical centers facilitating testing for visa applications review the vaccination certificates of an individual. Furthermore, a physical examination along with an X-Ray and blood test can be conducted by the labs as demanded by study-abroad destinations.
Certified labs and diagnostic centers are ratified for carrying out medical tests. For instance, to undertake UK TB test India, there are authorized hospitals where testing can take place. The conditions for specific age groups or physical status prevent the applicability of particular candidates. Moving on, let’s throw light on common medical tests for applying for a student visa.
- Blood Test: Various health conditions are detectable by testing the blood of a person. The taken blood sample is examined for identifying various contagious diseases, such as HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), HVP (Human Papillomavirus), and Hepatitis. Blood tests, further, elaborate on the kidney and liver functions of a human. Blood platelets, cells, and hemoglobin levels indicate whether or not the condition of an individual is apt for traveling to another country.
- Chest X-Ray: Problematic conditions like breath shortness, pain in the chest, consistent cough, or fever are diagnosed by an X-ray. Several lung problems are detected with the help of a chest X-ray. Emphysema, pneumonia, and cancer can be discovered with a chest X-ray. If found, the medical practitioner may suggest preventive and precautionary measures to the patient.
- Urine Analysis: Infections in the kidney, liver problems, and pancreatic issues can be traced with a urine test. Several metabolic conditions can be diagnosed by urine examination. Any sort of health condition evident through an analysis may require treatment and can prove a student unfit for traveling.
Preparations Needed for the Tests
Clarifications might be demanded from the medical facility before a student undertakes different tests. Although no specific preparations are needed for an X-ray and a blood test, there are certain declarations needed for a urine test.
An applicant going for a urine test has to provide information regarding the consumption of OTC drugs, medications, and supplements. The test results can be affected by certain medications. A candidate suffering from a health issue and consuming medicines for the same shall provide a note to the doctor. For closer observation, you can carry along your drugs that have to be checked with the hospital. Apart from such, any affirmation needed from the student shall be asked by the medical facility that may be undeniable.
Conditions to be noted
An applicant undergoing a medical examination might need to notify the medical facility regarding certain conditions. Someone on prescribed medicines by a doctor for treating a chronic ailment may need to provide an authenticated medical certificate from their physician. Hereunder is a list of conditions that require close observation by medical practitioners.
- Pregnancy: The gestation period requires an applicant to present her medical reports and prescriptions to the doctors. The time period extending over the 28th week or at a later phase of pregnancy can be problematic for traveling. Traveling during pregnancy can be taxing for women. Furthermore, many vaccination mandates toughen the process as a pregnant woman cannot take them. Precautionary measures, however, have to be taken to provide extra protection to a pregnant woman like double-layer lead shields during an X-ray.
- Case of Infectious Disease: People who have undergone treatment for tuberculosis or ebola virus have to carry their medical certificates with them. In the case of complete recovery, the medical certificate is a testimony that you are healthy for traveling. Documents that are reproduced for both shall declare the medications that the patients have consumed.
Leading to Conclusion
The contestants for a seat in an overseas university should read the guidelines specific to their destination. For instance, governmental guidelines for students applying to the UK can be subtly different from regulations for New Zealand medical test for visa.
A fit state of mind and physical body ensures a healthy stay for a student overseas. Therefore, a medical screening before leaving the country helps in strategizing your stay overseas. Having health insurance is crucial for students entering the premises of a foreign land. You are traveling independently which indicates prioritizing your health and staying safe overseas.
Sadhu Vaswani Mission Medical Centre provides immigration medicals for people applying for a foreign visa. Required services are provided for Canada, the UK, New Zealand, and Australia.